Uta Schotten
My Kingdom is not of this World
Uta Schotten’s images transport the viewer away from his or her everyday perceptions, governed as they are by advertising and screen aesthetics. The works she produced between 2012 and 2014 are painted with such urgency that they occasionally give the impression of being apparitions. The addition of wax to the oil paint lends Schotten’s works a matt surface structure. This gives the images a meaningful depth. Her timeless motifs evoke a sense of looking back in time and provide the background for the inward gaze.
“Schotten‘s colour concept is a secret, which very much demonstrates to what extent the terms ‘colourful’ and ‘in colour’ differ.” [Christian Deckert]
“Schotten‘s colour concept is a secret, which very much demonstrates to what extent the terms ‘colourful’ and ‘in colour’ differ.” [Christian Deckert]
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Uta Schotten
May 2014
ISBN 978-3-86678-972-2
22,00 × 27,50 cm
112 pages
43 colored and 1 b/w illustrations
Hardcover, bound
Languages: German, English
Gundula Caspary und Markus Bertsch authors Markus Bertsch und Christian Deckert graphic design Michael Hensch, Cologne
Exhibition: „Uta Schotten - Mein Reich ist nicht von dieser Welt“, 17.5. – 27.7.2014, Mittelrhein Museum Koblenz in cooperation with the Stadtmuseum Siegburg
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