Farewell Letters
Tracing the trail of Freya and Helmuth James von Moltke
Artist Anja Putensen's photo book is a quest for clues to the lives of resistance fighters Freya (1911 – 2010) and Helmuth James von Moltke (1907 – 1945). The photographs trace locations relating to their farewell letters: the Gut Kreisau (Kreisau estate), now an international meeting centre, is artistically portrayed, as is Tegel prison. The former Volksgerichtshof (People's Court) – today the Court of Appeal – and Plötzensee execution chamber are also documented. The atmospheric photographs alternate with excerpts from the letters.
Farewell Letters
September 2015
ISBN 978-3-7356-0097-4
19,50 × 15,50 cm
68 pages
35 colored illustrations
Hardcover linen-bound, bound
Languages: German, English, Polnisch
Anja Putensen
Text by
Anja Putensen and the original texts of Helmuth James and Freya von Moltke
Design by
Kathrin Haas, Hamburg
in comemmoration of the 70th anniversary of the execution of Helmuth James von Moltke
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