Don´t Look Now
The Collection of Contemporary Art, Part 1
“Don’t Look Now” is the first in a series of annual thematic presentations from the contemporary art collection of Kunstmuseum Bern: The challenge embedded in the title refers to the central role of visual perception in fine art and also to the “invisible moment” when physical-sensual perception changes into knowledge, which has always been reflected in art itself. However, with which media and methods does this take place in contemporary art and how is this linked to the invisible? How does this lead, from the aesthetic point of view, to knowledge? Seeing, making seeing impossible, invisibility, visibility – the interactive field of these concepts is explored with great gusto and productivity in the works presented.
Silvia Bächli, Herbert Brandl, Stefan Brüggemann, James Lee Byars, Hans Danuser, Joel Fisher, Ceal Floyer, Pia Fries, Christian Marclay, Oliver Mosset, Yves Netzhammer, Boris Nieslony, Meret Oppenheim, Nam June Paik, Markus Raetz, Tracey Rose, Christoph Rütimann, Adrian Schiess, Bill Viola, Rémy Zaugg
May 2010
ISBN 978-3-86678-434-5
22,00 × 28,00 cm
184 pages
35 colored and 18 b/w illustrations
Hardcover, bound
Languages: German, English
Kunstmuseum Bern
preface by
Matthias Frehner
Kathleen Bühler and Isabel Fluri
The illustrated book was published on the occasion of the exhibition „Don´t look now - Die Sammlung Gegenwartskunst, Teil 1“, 11 June 2010 to 20 March 2011, Kunstmuseum Bern.