Alexander Kosolapov
Lenin and Coca-Cola
Alexander Kosolapov (*1943) is one of the most remarkable “gobetweeners” of contemporary art, constantly shifting between countries, ideologies, cultures, and aesthetic languages. His paintings and sculptures show us corporate logos, cartoon characters, portraits of Soviet leaders, self-portraits and figures borrowed from antiquity. Although his oeuvre displays an extraordinarily variety, there is still one theme present in each of Kosolapovʼs works: ideology. His works arenʼt images or objects, they are much more invisible concepts, that reveal ideological strategies with the help of advertising and religion. The new publication presents impressive works of the artist shown in the first retrospective in Russia at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art.
- Order number: 978-3-7356-0472-9
May 2018
ISBN 978-3-7356-0472-9
17,00 × 24,00 cm
144 pages
135 colored and 60 b/w illustrations
Hardcover, bound
Languages: English
Carter Ratcliff, Yury Kopytov
Text by
Carter Ratcliff
Design by
Kirill Blagodatskikh, Anna Naumova
Alexander Kosolapov: Lenin and Coca-Cola , 28.11. 2017–11.2.2018, Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA)