Christine Rusche
Christine Rusche (*1971) composes large-scale wall paintings as a complex interplay of imagined and real space. The analysis of the site, its visible as well as invisible characteristics, forms the basis for a fictional spatial structure that is related to the location and autonomous at the same time. With her powerful visual imagery, the architecture is transformed into a new space of associations and experience. The first monograph provides in-depth insights into the work of the artist. For the first time, the publication documents the temporary spatial drawings based on exhibitions as well as permanently installed wall paintings and works on paper and objects from accompanying groups of works.
January 2019
ISBN 978-3-7356-0485-9
22,00 × 30,00 cm
160 pages
146 colored and 8 b/w illustrations
Hardcover, bound
Languages: German, English
Marta Herford
Text by
Roland Nachtigäller, Ludwig Seyfarth a.o.
Design by
Demian Bern, Stuttgart