Yury Kharchenko
Since 2009, the German-Russian painter Yury Kharchenko (*1986) has occupied himself in his work groups, and lately also in portraits, with questions regarding human identity as well as his own Jewish identity. Although he regards his identity as poisoned by the Holocaust, he does not impose a prohibition of images, but instead strives for a language that leads to a freedom of emotional and philosophical engagement. In his visual imagery, violence, and beauty are juxtaposed with one another and intermix. There is also sexuality, love, and, again and again, the color red. This color gives the works an organic and contradictory quality at the same time. The new publication presents this multidimensional quality and provides in-depth insights into the work of the artist.
July 2018
ISBN 978-3-7356-0464-4
23,00 × 28,00 cm
256 pages
224 colored and 2 b/w illustrations
Hardcover, bound
Languages: German, English
Yury Kharchenko
Text by
Ygael Attali, Professor Matthew Baigell, Gerard Goodrow, Kay Heymer, Nils - Arne Kässens, Christoph Kohl, Helmut A. Müller
Design by
Valentina Ivashchenko
Yury Kharchenko, 19.8-8.11.2018, Felix Nussbaum Haus, Osnabrück Yury Kharchenko , 13.7.-2.9.2018, NS Dokumentationszentrum Cologne