Fan of Man
M+M, Marc Weis (*1965) and Martin de Mattia (*1963), process questions regarding architecture, ecology, politics, and the body. Since 2001, their Panic Room has been an installative stocktaking of social conflicts and their representation in the media. Along with the series in front and tessuti, it stands at the center of the exhibition Fan of Man at the Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz. The incorporation of the clashes in Chemnitz in the summer of 2018 as well as high-quality textiles used to stage political power gives rise to a very up-to-date reflection on the manipulative language of the media.
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June 2019
ISBN 978-3-7356-0599-3
20 × 26 cm
120 pages
149 colored illustrations
Languages: German, English
Frédéric Bußmann
Text by
Sebastian Baden, Frédéric Bußmann, Joanna Straczowski
Design by
Felix Kempf, München
M+M. Fan der Menschheit, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz: June 2 – September 22, 2019