Der Funke Gottes!
Schatz + Wunderkammern im Bamberger Diözesanmuseum
In the exhibition Der Funke Gottes! (God’s Spark) the works of sixty contemporary and modern artists—such as Ernst Barlach, Julian Charrière, Leiko Ikemura, Meret Oppenheim, and Ai Weiwei—encounter first-class sacred sculptures by Tilman Riemenschneider and Veit Stoß, precious artistic craftwork and religious folk art. In accordance with the terms of “touch, celebration, time, and violence,” an open dialogue between the past and present arises. The catalogue continues this by asking contemporary art about its spiritual content, and religion about its contemporaneity.
Artists: Marina Abramovi, Ai Weiwei, Nobuyoshi Araki, Robert Barta, Ernst Barlach, Joseph Beuys, Guillaume Bruère, Dany Chan, Julian Charrière, Oliver Clegg, Paula Doepfner, Christina Doll, Valerie Favre, Anke Feuchtenberger, Katharina Fritsch, Marianna Gartner, Pedro Gómez-Egaña, Antony Gormley, Richard Haizmann, Jeppe Hein, Beate Höing, Leiko Ikemura, Hans Josephson, Isaac Julien, Hubert Kiecol, Karsten Konrad, Andréas Lang, Young-Jae Lee, Judy Ledgerwood, Wilhelm Lehmbruck, Via Lewandowsky, Liza Lou, Markus Lüpertz, Anna Malagrida, Marino Marini, Oliver Mark, Michael Melcer/Patricia Schon, Meng Huang, Andreas Mühe, Michael Müller, Mwangi Hutter, Hermann Nitsch, Meret Oppenheim, Benyamin Reich, Yvonne Roeb, Miguel Rothschild, Ralf Schmerberg, Helmut Schweizer , Micha Ullman, Jorinde Voigt, Simon Wachsmuth, Andy Warhol, Donata Wenders, Matthias Wollgast, Erwin Wortelkamp, Yin Xiuzhen, John Young, Andrius Zakarauskas
Here you’ll find all our books on ART.
September 2019
ISBN 978-3-7356-0631-0
23,5 × 30 cm
120 pages
70 colored illustrations
Languages: German
Holger Kempkens, Alexander Ochs
Text by
Teresa Bischoff, Johann Hinrich Claussen, Holger Kempkens, Ludmila Kvapilová, Alexander Ochs, Katja Triebe
Design by
Frederik Foert, Berlin / Beijing