Der Struwwelpeter
Faszination und Kinderschreck
To this day the Struwwelpeter (“Shock-headed Peter”) induces both fascination and shudders in its readers. Right on time for its 175th anniversary, the LUDWIGGALERIE is presenting the “funny stories and droll pictures” by the psychiatrist and poet Heinrich Hoffmann in all of their many facets. An entertaining and wittily illuminating exhibition and catalogue traces the creation of this world-famous illustrated book of stories, while also presenting numerous adaptions and variations. Since 1844 the book has inspired each generation to make its own Struwwelpeters, from oil paintings to comics, manga, and junk (punk) opera to Jan Böhmermann.
Here you’ll find all our books on CULTURE.
September 2019
ISBN 978-3-7356-0626-6
22 × 28 cm
128 pages
173 colored and 24 b/w illustrations
Languages: German
Linda Schmitz und Christine VogtLUDWIGGALERIE Schloss Oberhausen
Text by
Linda Schmitz, Christine Vogt, Beate Zekorn-von Bebenburg
Design by
Uwe Eichholz, Eichholz Architektur Gestaltung, Aachen
Der Struwwelpeter – Zappel-Philipp, Paulinchen und Hanns Guck-in-die-Luft: Zwischen Faszination und Kinderschreck von Hoffmann bis Böhmermann, LUDWIGGALERIE Schloss Oberhausen: 22.9.2019-12.1.2020