Jürgen Heinrich
Without darkness, no light—without night, no day. In the past three years, Jürgen Heinrich has extensively occupied himself with the “night”: in art, literature, and music. He has personally circled around the phenomenon of the night in various phases of his work. In painting, drawing, and artist’s book, he has dedicated himself to all the facets of the night. For him, the night has become a metaphor of a pendulum swinging between the light and the dark, between melancholy and lightness. Literary texts and scholarly positions by various authors accompany these extraordinary pictorial worlds.
Here you’ll find all our books on ART.
October 2020
ISBN 978-3-7356-0713-3
20 × 25 cm
128 pages
113 colored and 10 b/w illustrations
Languages: German, English
Text by
Andreas Beaugrand, Marcus Beuter, Antje Doßmann, Claudia Melzer, Christoph Rust, Willem Schulz
Design by
Roman Girsikorn, Bielefeld
Anlässlich der diesjährigen Einzelausstellung “Nachtbilder – Notturno“ in der Alten Synagoge im Kunstverein Oerlinghausen