Jürgen Heinrich
Die Logik des Fragments
In the last three years, the artist Jürgen Heinrich (*1962) has occupied himself extensively with the open forms of fragments. His drawings and pictures are either mimetic contours of a perceived, experienced event or autonomous gestural structures. They are organisms consisting of lines, surfaces, and colors that include natural forms only to the extent that they are necessary as a key to understanding. In his book Die Logik des Fragments (The Logic of the Fragment), he presents the results of his artistic examination in abstract drawings, pictures, texts, and unique books. Literary essays and scholarly positions by various authors accompany these extraordinary pictorial worlds.
- Order number: 978-3-7356-0875-8
October 2022
ISBN 978-3-7356-0875-8
18 × 33 cm
208 pages
153 colored illustrations
Languages: German
Text by
Andreas Beaugrand, Antje Doßmann, Claudia Melzer, Susanne Ring
Design by
Roman Girsikorn, Bielefeld
Die Logik des Fragments, October 2022, Künstlerhaus Lydda, Bielefeld
Christian Jankowski, John Bock, Olaf Nicolai,...
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