Hoda Tawakol
Some Ties Linger On
At the heart of Hoda Tawakol’s work is a profound confrontation with identity, femininity and power. Inspired by the memories of her “three mothers”—her mother, her grandmother, and her nanny—the Egyptian-French artist (b. 1968) spins a narrative web of life and art with loss and recollection intersecting, while the complex interplay of individual and collective identity takes center stage. The body as an experiential focus is key for Tawakol; and her textile sculptures and installations refer to it both as a protective shield and as a surface for projection; they decipher the balance of power between the extremes of exposure and concealment. Some Ties Linger On is Hoda Tawakol’s first monograph; with numerous images and two accompanying essays, it offers a comprehensive overview of her artistic oeuvre to date.
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- Order number: 978-3-7356-1007-2
February 2025
ISBN 978-3-7356-1007-2
25 × 32 cm
144 pages
80 colored illustrations
Gatefold Brochure
Languages: German, English
Text by
Omar Kholeif, Rebekka Seubert
Design by
Studio Barbara Krimm, Berlin