There is …

Reflections from a damaged Life?

Setting up the world, furnishing, decorating and finally inhabiting the world is the starting point in order to examine the tension between critique of the present and the longing for a “beautiful world” – asking to what extent the mentality of a certain time can be read.
All artists – ranging from De Stijl, Minimalism, the 1980ies to the present –, are related by the oppositional, aesthetic response to the everyday world. They do not just accept the present as a given fact, between folk art, kitsch and cutting social analysis, between Hornbach and Adorno so to speak, they reveal exciting alternative drafts.

Thomas Arnolds, Blixa Bargeld, Michael Biber, Madeleine Boschan, Michael Conrads, Lone Haugaard Madsen, Georg Herold, Christian Jankowski, Donald Judd, Franka Kaßner, Martin Kippenberger, Erwin Kneishl, Maja Körner, Karsten Konrad, David Kroell, Bjarne Melgaard, Monika Michalko, Jan Muche, Ernesto Neto, Albert Oehlen, J.J.P. Oud, Manfred Pernice, Thomas Rentmeister, Gerrit Rietveld, Philipp Schwalb, Norbert Schwontkowski, Florian Slotawa, Andreas Slominski, Meredyth Sparks, Ulrich Strothjohann, Hermann Vaske, Franz West, Thomas Winkler, Ulrich Wulff and Michael Wutz

There is …
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There is …

May 2012

ISBN 978-3-86678-717-9

17,00 × 24,00 cm

176 pages

114 colored and 3 b/w illustrations

Paperback, bound

Languages: German, English

Christian Malycha for b-05 Montabaur authors Theodor W. Adorno, Leisa Brubaker und Jan Nebgen, Bruno Hillebrand, Robert Kudielka, Hendrik Lakeberg, Christian Malycha, Volker Pietsch, Andi Schoon and Klaus Theweleit graphic design Dorothee Heine

Exhibition „There is … Reflections from a damaged Life?“, 13 May to 16 September 2012,  b-05 Kunst- und Kulturzentrum Association e. V., Montabaur