Marita G. Weiden

The Colour of Light

Understanding Marita G. Weiden’s paintings is both easy and difficult: she works with extremely reduced but not altogether sparing elements. Each picture portrays a very limited colour spectrum, which she allows to flourish into complete radiance and simultaneously intensify into its darkest depths. A great wealth of detail emerges from this process, which sees colour planes expanding to form colour spaces. All aspects of Weiden’s paintings, together with the suggestive power of their temperaments, reach the viewer by means of sensory perception and their emotional availability.
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Marita G. Weiden

ISBN 978-3-86678-764-3

21,00 × 29,70 cm

64 pages

45 colored illustrations

Softcover, bound, without dust jacket, without Schuber

Languages: German

by Gundula Caspary, Stadtmuseum Siegburg; Maria Engels, Ehemalige Reichsabtei Kornelimünster; Markus Groß-Morgen, Museum am Dom, Trier; Leane Schaefer, Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen; Barbara Strobel, Städtische Galerie „sohle 1“ authors Gundula Caspary and Paul Good graphic design Klaus-Peter Plehn, Kerber Verlag

Exhibition: „Marita G. Weiden. Farbe des Lichts“, Stadtmuseum Siegburg , 02.09.201–21.10.2012, Ehemalige Reichsabtei Kornelimünster , 24.11.2012–06.01.2013, Museum am Dom , Trier, 15.03.2013–02.06.2013, Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen , August–September 2013, Städtische Galerie „sohle 1“ , Bergkamen, 12.10.2013–24.11.2013

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