e – X— tension
New museum and exhibition architecture in existing buildings
In recent decades, spectacular museum architecture has been has been created all over the world, often in existing historical buildings. This large and diverse range of architectural, urban planning and artistic solutions includes discreet additions to and developments of listed buildings as well as intensive reshaping and redefinition.
The publication “e – X– tension” is based upon the papers given at an international conference in Kunstmuseum Moritzburg, Halle. Excellent current examples of multi-layered museum and exhibition architecture in existing buildings are presented. Equally, the current situation of contemporary museum architecture is portrayed.
The publication “e – X– tension” is based upon the papers given at an international conference in Kunstmuseum Moritzburg, Halle. Excellent current examples of multi-layered museum and exhibition architecture in existing buildings are presented. Equally, the current situation of contemporary museum architecture is portrayed.
e – X— tension
January 2013
ISBN 978-3-86678-801-5
17,00 × 23,00 cm
128 pages
58 colored and 6 b/w illustrations
Gatefold Brochure, bound
Languages: German
Katja Schneider, Jürgen Tietz
Text by
Ira Mazzoni, Peter Kulka, Hans van der Heijden, Enrique Sobejano, Alexander Schwarz, Roger Diener, Bruce Kuwabara, Christian Jabornegg, Tristan Kobler, Claude Marbach, Stefan Marte, Ulrike Wendland, Jürgen Tietz
Design by
Susanne Hagendorf, Halle (Saale)
Veröffentlichung der Vorträge der gleichnamigen internationalen Tagung vom 24./25. September 2010 in der Moritzburg in Halle (Saale), Kunstmuseum des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
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