à travers l’autre / durch einander
Platino (*1948), an artist and winner of the Hans Thoma Prize, works between the fields of painting, photography, and interventions in architecture. His exhibitions arise from an artistic process that, based on site-specific work in and at (work and living) spaces, results their transmission in photographs (of the external). The installation of these photos along with site-specific color interventions gives rise to integral exhibition formats. In the exhibition à travers l’autre / durch einander at the Hans Thoma Museum, brightly colored alien bodies are interwoven with colorful-architectural interventions in the existing space. The accompanying publication offers an insight into this unique space of experience.
September 2017
ISBN 978-3-7356-0400-2
22,70 × 27,80 cm
192 pages
145 colored illustrations
Softcover, paper
Languages: German, English
Johannes Honeck, Platino
Text by
Jörg van den Berg, Tilo Schulz
Design by
Platino, Stuttgart
Hans-Thoma-Preis 2017, Platino. à travers l’autre / durch einander , 13.8.-8.10.2017, Hans-Thoma-Kunstmuseum, Bernau im Schwarzwald