Shizuko Sawada / David Uessem
The Flight of the Cranes
Guest in the air, heraldic animal, advertising ambassador, symbol of peace and happiness, and, last but not least, a motif in art: The crane has left behind its traces in many regions and diverse cultures. It also looks big and impressive, even high up in the sky, when it flies over Germany in its typical formations, making its loud cries. The Bergische Land, and therefore the museum and forum Schloss Homburg as well, are located in the heart of its air corridor. Occasion enough for an interdisciplinary exhibition about the crane. In it, the crane’s traces are pursued starting from the Bergische Land, revealed and made evident. The accompanying publication provides insights into the cosmos of this fascinating animal along with impressive pictures.
October 2018
ISBN 978-3-7356-0482-8
21,00 × 27,00 cm
86 pages
85 colored and 5 b/w illustrations
Hardcover, bound
Languages: German
Dr. Gudrun Sievers-Flägel
Text by
Christoph Buchen, Silke Engel M. A., Dr. Günter Nowald, Dr. Gudrun Sievers-Flägel, Denise Trump M. A.
Design by
Conny Koeppl, Köln
Zug der Kraniche , 23.9.2018-10.2.2019, Museum und Forum Schloss Homburg