Tim Mitchell
How do we value the life we are living? For 15 years, photographer Tim Mitchell has studied 21st century objects and commodities, as their transformation testifies to our ever-changing everyday values. He is a poignant observer of social and environmental issues and in his first monograph Product, he asks what sustainable, ethical models of production and utilisation could be. The book addresses the glamourous chaos of Paris Fashion Week as well as the repercussions of global clothes recycling and the financial crisis in Greece; economical, sociological and art historical essays provide further context.
Here you’ll find all our PHOTO books.
- Order number: 978-3-7356-0602-0
September 2019
ISBN 978-3-7356-0602-0
17 × 24 cm
368 pages
230 colored illustrations
Languages: English
Alistair Robinson, Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art
Text by
Luc Boltanski & Arnaud Esquerre, Mike Crang, Nicky Gregson, Emily McMehen, Helen James, Carol McKay, Michalis Nikolakakis, Lucy Norris, Alistair Robinson
Design by
Brighten the Corners, London / Frankfurt am Main
Tim Mitchell – Product, Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland: 31. August – 3. November 2019