In 2013 Barbara and Axel Haubrok established the FAHRBEREITSCHAFT on the premises of the former motor pool of the SED for their outstanding collection of international conceptual art. Surrounded by automobile workshops, micro-enterprises, and artists’ studios, what came into being in a carefully developed interplay of people, architecture, and history is a place that connected art and civil society with each other in a vibrant way. After the administration of the district of Lichtenberg banned any further exhibition activities in April 2018, this book once again shows the innovative potential and the inspiring diversity of the FAHRBEREITSCHAFT.
Here you’ll find all our books on ART.
May 2019
ISBN 978-3-7356-0592-4
29,7 × 21 cm
304 pages
95 colored illustrations
Hardcover with open Thread Stitching
Languages: German, English
haubrok foundation
Text by
Axel Haubrok et al.
Design by
Konstantin Haubrok, Berlin
Fünf Jahre Ausstellungen der Sammlung Haubrok in der FAHRBEREITSCHAFT 2013-2018; Axel Haubrok im Gespräch mit Kolja Reichert (FAS), Kasino-Gebäude, FAHRBEREITSCHAFT, Berlin: Freitag, 26. April 2019, 12 Uhr