Patrick Kaufmann
From endless spaces to interiors, from ultramarine to cobalt blue: this book traces the development of Patrick Kaufmann’s (*1971) art over several cycles of paintings, all of which revolve around the theme of space. This comprehensive monograph also reflects his study of materials and their qualities, which leads ever closer to the essence in which spirit and material meet. More than any other, blue proves to be the color that demands the presence of the artist, meaning a deep immersion in the self. It is the color of transformation, which turns the process of painting into a simultaneous exploration of consciousness.
Here you’ll find all our books on ART.
- Order number: 978-3-7356-0770-6
May 2021
ISBN 978-3-7356-0770-6
23 × 29 cm
216 pages
224 colored illustrations
Languages: German, English
textkurve, Baumgartner & Annaheim, Zürich
Text by
Judith Annaheim
Design by
textkurve, Baumgartner & Annaheim, Zürich
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