Manfred Webel
Manfred Webel: Bewegungsskulpturen (Movement Sculptures) profiles a pioneer of participatory art and the inventor of “movement sculpture.” Richly illustrated and polyphonic, this highly enjoyable book provides insight into Webel’s dialogue- and audience-based approach: with exciting expert discussions, exemplary participatory offers from the art project Bitte berühren! (Please touch!), and feedback from many participants in his projects. The book features contributions from artists who have worked with Webel, as well as museum directors and arts communicators from the fields of politics, government, and cultural education. There is a special focus on people who have encountered Webel and his approachable art in his mobile art container on the Bitte berühren! Tour.
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- Order number: 978-3-7356-0988-5
September 2024
ISBN 978-3-7356-0988-5
18 × 24,5 cm
152 pages
Languages: German
Skulpturenmuseum Marl and Erzbischöfliches Diözesanmuseum Paderborn
Text by
Angela Behler, Georg Elben, Michael Griff, Joachim Göbel, Andreas Hahm-Gerling, Holger Kempkens, Niko Sioulis, Hilke Wagner, Manfred Webel, Antje Welz
Design by
clevebrück – Büro für Gestaltung, Krefeld
"Bitte berühren!"-Tour mit mobilem Kunst-Container
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