A Tale of Two Worlds
Experimental Latin American Art 1940–1980
Art and culture in dialogue: In a large exhibition in cooperation with the Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, the MMK Frankfurt am Main is dedicating itself to the interwoven perspectives of two continents and cultures. The exhibition examines commonalities, differences, and intellectual links between artists from different parts of the world as well as the challenges that cultural exchange brings along with it through juxtaposing above all the European-North American canon and Latin America experimental art. The accompanying publication presents new and surprising relationships between cultures in fascinating essays by renowned authors.
January 2018
ISBN 978-3-7356-4027-7 (D/Engl.), 978-3-7356-4028-4 (Span./Engl.)
24,00 × 30,00 cm
496 pages
242 colored and 68 b/w illustrations
Hardcover, bound
Languages: German, English, Spanish
Victoria Eugenia Noorthoorn, Javier Villa, Peter Gorschlüter, Klaus Görner
Text by
Alejandra Aguado, Gonzalo Aguilar, Luca Massimo Barbero, Marcos Cabobianco, Louis Camnitzer, Mauricio Corbalán, Martin Engler, Carlos Gamerro, María Amalia García, Klaus Görner, Mario Kramer, Tobias Maier, Abaseh Mirvali, Haper Montgomery, Santiago García Navarro, Victoria Eugenia Noorthoorn, Bernardo Ortiz, Marcelo Pacheco, Florencia Qualina, Ana María Reyes, Silviano Santiago, Eva Schmidt, Dirk Snauwaert, Katrin Thomschke, Javier Villa
Design by
N O C. Sarah Nöllenheidt, Berlin
A Tale of Two Worlds. Experimental Latin American Art in Dialogue with the MMk Collection 1940s-1980s , 25.11.2017 -2.4.2018, MMK Museum for Moder Art, Frankfurt 7.6.2018 – 14.10.2018, Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, Argentinien