Henrik Placht
Paintings and Bridgebuilding: Travels from 2002–2019
An artistic journey: the path of the painter Henrik Placht (*1973) led him in 2002 to Palestine, where he initiated the establishment of the International Academy of Art, which opened in 2006. His experiences from this work and from his trips to Vietnam and North Korea changed not only him as a person, but also his art. While his pictures were at first characterized by stringent compositions and geometric forms, his current works have a more open formal language. The new publication bears witness to this artistic as well as personal process of development and makes clear how art and culture can influence one another.
Here you’ll find all our books on ART.
September 2019
ISBN 978-3-7356-0570-2
24,00 × 30,00 cm
204 pages
115 colored and 3 b/w illustrations
Hardcover, bound
Languages: English, Norwegian
Text by
Henrik Placht, Raphael Zagury-Orly, Reem Fadda
Design by
NODE Berlin Oslo
Artist Talk: Henrik Placht in conversation with Nabi Nara, Art as Hope: Painting and Bridgebuilding 2002–2019, Nordische Botschaften, Berlin: February 12, 2020, 7 p.m.