Gudrun Scholz
No Fat Poetry. A Democratic Match Between Photo and Text
The photobook No Fat Poetry is a democratic marriage of image and text, without any subordination or superordination of either. Nowadays, new media communicates a hitherto unimagined quantity of images. This means that, today, images are far more dependent on their context, and it is within these contexts that they generate an importance that may change, depending on where the image appears or who or what the image is juxtaposed with—in this case, text and typography. The origins of the texts are democratic too, and almost all of them are recycled (samplings). They are quotes by artists and photographers; they come from the street or from photo - graphic theory or aesthetics. Ultimately, the involvement of the photographers is also democratic, including newcomers and established photographers alike (e.g., Thomas Demand, Alex Prager, Jörg Sasse, Alec Soth, Josef Sudek, Jürgen Teller, Jeff Wall).
- Order number: 978-3-7356-0943-4
October 2023
ISBN 978-3-7356-0943-4
21 × 28 cm
394 pages
170 colored illustrations
Languages: German, English
Text by
Gudrun Scholz
Design by
Ansgar Klemm, Visuelle Kommunikation, Berlin
Christian Jankowski, John Bock, Olaf Nicolai,...
Schaubühne Poster Campaigns 2018 to 2022